Mosi Paki

Mosi Paki was finally released from prison in February of 2014. Here is what Greg Curry wrote about him:

Prayers & Blessings to Mosi Paki, release from prison after 25 yrs. Never submitting to becoming a mental slave, now you must be great out there, using all the knowledge you gained in here.
Greg (your Brotha!)

Mosi Paki (ODRC nr A210081) has written a summary of his case which can be read here under (click on the illustrations to enlarge).

The two prisoners recanted their (forced) false testimony in 1996, effectively proving Mosi Paki was not involved in any killings during the uprising, yet nothing has happened in his case: he has not been released, and the parole board even dared to give him 12 years extra!

After the uprising of April 11, 1993 ended at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility SOCF in Lucasville, Mosi Paki was placed in solitary confinement without a charge until February 1996. He was then given a “ticket” (rule violation), by the Rules Infraction Board. As a result of that administrative act, Mosi has been in solitary confinement for 18 years and counting.

Mosi Paki (#A210081), along with a number of other individuals was railroaded with charges asising from the siege of the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility (SOCF) in Lucasville, on April 11, 1993, and has been in solitary confinement since that time. For thirteen of those years, Mosi has been housed in Ohio State Penitentiary (OSP) Supermax Prison in Youngstown, because he has refused to submit to the lies designed against him. Although others were charged along with Mosi, he alone was railroaded in a prison court called the Rules Infraction Board (RIB).

Chain of events
I, Mosi Paki, was 45 years old when I was housed in L1-16 a single man cell – when the April 11, 1993 siege of L-BLock took place. L1 was the last block taken over. We were told to leave our cells and go into L-side corridor where I and numerous other prisoners remailed for 10-11 days during the siege, which ended April 21, 1993.

I was then transferred, along with 128 other inmates, to Mansfield Correctional Institution, where I was locked in solitary confinement without a charge until February 17, 1996.

I was then taken to Corrections Medical Center (CMC) in COlumbus and charged with a ticket (rule violation) for complicity in the death of the only guard killed in the SOCF siege. As a result of this bogus charge, I was subjected to two days of interrogation (February 17-18, 1996) by members of the Rules Infraction Board – lasting eight hours each day. The normal duration of a RIB is 15-30 minutes. The RIB panel relied on coerced lies of inmates Kenneth Law and Sherman Sims involving me in the guard’s death. I was railroaded and given an Administrative Control (AC). I was then transferred from CMC to Lebanon Correctional Isntitution in Lebanon (OH).

Description of Ohio State Penitentiary, written in October of 2007, by Mosi Paki.

Prior to 4 May 1998 SOCF (Southern Ohio Correctional Facility), the only max prison in Ohio, was the dumping ground and threat used on profiled and institutionalized cruel prisoners, as of May 1998 OSP (Ohio State Penitentiary) high-max/supermax is the new threat and dumping ground. This $80 million 500 bed supermax was and is a rush to waste tax dollars and erroneously label at least 50% of OSP prisoners with a high max/supermax status level, failure to find 500 prisoners to fit their failure, OSP is housing level 5, death-row and level 4 prisoners to keep up a population count.

The break-down is level 5 (composed of 5A longtermer/permanent, 5A and 5B prisoners) in C block which also houses seg/hole in C/ A seg/hole for levels 5 and 4 prisoners; C5 and C8 are seg/holes for OSP camp inmates (level 1 prisoners), B and D block house death-row prisoners with D block being their honor (?) block, A block houses level 4 prisoners.

All blocks have 8 pods and each pod has 16 single man cells, 8 on the upper range and 8 on the lower range. Other than death-row and prisoners of the SOCF riot related charges, the majority of prisoners are in OSP on RIB (rule infraction board) hearing convictions, about 50% of these convictions are profiled charges ℅ guards and extraction teams put on prisoners; the remainders are institutionalized cruel prisoners; for the 50% that are profiled there is no course of relief to overturn injustice through prison policies which is in effect complaining to a higher corrections officer about a lower level co-worker, which goes nowhere except further profiling within OSP to keep seg/hole and celling [illegible] up to maintain justification for federal and state tax dollars for operation.

This penal business is a massive rip-off of workers’ taxes at the mental abuse/torture to prisoners within OSP, being in the first group of 6 prisoners in OSP 4 May 1998 I see and hear the results of mentally tortured prisoners in my ongoing 9 years here, as a 5ALT/permanent prisoner on a railroading by way of a 96 RIB hearing, these prisoncrats have professionals to cover their fascistic operation and abuse of workers tax dollars here at OSP.


Mosi Paki


PO Box 1436

Youngstown, OH 44301


Written by Mosi Paki, April 2007, re-written 2010.

Every day at the highest security 5A longterm level in oop (oh. st. penitentiary) OH’s supermax prison in Youngstown, Ohio. where every prisoner is in a single cell 7’ by 14’ the size of a car parking space with concrete floor, ceiling and walls, a concrete platform covered by a thin mat, a sink/toilet with a wall mounted desk and stool.

A 300 pound steel sliding door with a 2” by 8 “ bullet proof non-opening glass, a cuffport that serves also as a delivery and return way for 3 daily food trays eaten within these cells, prisoners spend 24 hours a day within this cell unless one signs up for 1 hour of recreation cage and or shower 5 days per week.

Prisoncrats call prisoners at osp the worst of the worst, prisoners that dealt drugs, involved in gang activity, or killed on the outside and inside prisons. Over 2 million prisoners are in us prisons over 20,000 are in their 31 supermaxes in state and federal systems this 1% can be a volatile 1%, any punishment pushed too far and a claim of mental breakdown is sure to come. Suicide rates in TX and CA solitary confinement prisons are on the rise, psychiatrist Stuart Grassian, a consultant in criminal cases says ‘We have to ask ourselves why we’re doing this,’ ‘We’re talking criminals who are already unstable and driving them crazy.’

Solitary confinement in the US began with the Philadelphia Quakers of the 19th century as a hope of providing them contemplation with a bible to develop insight into their crimes, it never worked. In 1890 the US Supreme Court ruled, deploring solitary confinement for the ‘semi-fatuous condition’ in which it left prisoners, the court’s distaste of solitary was clear.

Justices saw it as a form of ‘no touch torture’ says Alfred Mccay in his book A question of torture– ‘It sends prisoners in one of two directions: catatonic or rage.’

Modern science confirms this with electron-cephalograms, showing that after a few days in solitary, prisoners’ brain waves shift toward a pattern characteristic of stupor and delirium.

Some prisoners at OSP are given anticipated stays on level 5 and 4 but not those closed 5ALT who’s stay is determined permanent/indefinite: no matter one’s excellent or good conduct and voluntary programming, a 5 ALT prisoner isn’t allowed to lower their security for release, obviously this is an attack on the 8th Amendment’s cruel and unusual punishment and 14th Amendment’s  due process and liberty interest. The argument OH prisoners made in ‘05 challenging assignment to strict supermax security level, a unanimous Supreme Court with justice Anthony Kennedy writing that supermax isolation imposes an ‘atypical and significant hardship, that prisoners must have a formal opportunity to make their case against the assignment before prison officials decide’, this ruling has not affected 5ALT prisoners, there are no written rules/guidelines for level 5 reduction across the board for all level 5 (including 5ALTers) at OSP, extreme ‘no-touch torture’ is having been in solitary confinement more than 14 years (at present 12 years 2010), over 9 years (at present 12 years 2010) in OH’s supermax prison in Youngstown without any chance of release on 5ALT, me wonders will the direction be catatonic, rage, or controlled rage will be maintained?

Mosi Paki 4/2/2007, rewritten 2010 (transcribed 2012, edited by this blog editor)

Otherlinks to articles, letters by or about Mosi Paki:

In: Workers World, July 18, 2008: Lucasville Prisoner Speaks on Police Roundup